Big Break Golf Reality Series Now Available on GOLFPASS
An accomplished businessman, Randall Hunt is the former CEO of award-winning health club Athletic Apex. Also a former professional golfer, Randall Hunt played in Big Break IV on the Golf Channel and won a fan favorite award.
A golf competition reality television series that lasted 23 seasons, Big Break has begun to air again on the Golf Channel after a hiatus. Beginning in March 2020, fans had the chance to watch marathons of full seasons of Big Break, such as the Las Vegas season, which featured players such as friendly “Big Mike,” conniving David Gunas, and play-by-the-rules Bart Lower.
In addition to airing on the Golf Channel, the Big Break series is included for the first time in the new GOLFPASS Video Membership. The premiere digital membership for golf fanatics, GOLFPASS features on-demand entertainment and instructional videos.
Golfers interested in the video membership service can take advantage of a free two-month trial of GOLFPASS. In addition to Big Break, the digital platform includes series such as Lessons with a Champion Golfer and movies by GOLF Films.